Thursday, August 27, 2020

Nursing Care Plan Essay

Customer name: Mrs. Chan Age/sex: 48/F Medical analysis: Fluid over-burden, diminished TK yield and diminished Hb Assessment date: 25-11-2012 Diagnostic proclamation (PES): Excess liquid volume identified with bargained administrative system optional to end-stage renal disappointment as proof by fringe edema and patient’s weight picked up from 69.8kg to 73.6kg inside 4 days. Appraisal Nursing Diagnosis Objectives and Expected Outcomes Nursing Interventions Methods of reasoning Strategies for Evaluation Emotional information: 1. The customer asserted her weight began to pick up rapidly fourteen days before affirmation. 2. The customer announced of tight and glossy skin showed up on the appendages and face. 3. The customer whined on diminishing urinary yield fourteen days before confirmation. 4. The customer whined of expanding SOB and orthopnoea Target information: 1. Squeezing thumb for 5s into the limbs’ skin and evacuated immediately brought about pitting and reviewed at +1. 2. The client’s weight picked up from 69.8kg to 73.6kg from 25/11/2012 to 29/11/2012. 3. Diminished CAPD yield was noted. 4. Moving bluntness on mid-region was noted. Useless wellbeing design: Sustenance and Metabolism Issue: Abundance liquid volume Etiology:â related to bargained administrative system auxiliary to end-stage renal disappointment Characterizing qualities/ Signs and manifestations : 1. Client’s weight picked up from 69.8kg to 73.6kg inside 4 days. 2. Fringe edema evaluated at +1. Objectives: The customer will show diminished edema on fringe. Anticipated results: 1. The customer can recover liquid parity as confirm by weight reduction got to by3/12/2012 2. The customer will have the option to verbalize the limited measure of essential dietary like sodium and liquid as endorsed by 3/12/2012. 3. The customer will have the option to exhibit 1 technique to get to edema by 3/12/2012 4. The customer will show 2 technique to help diminish edema by 3/12/2012 1. Continuous appraisals a) Record 24hrs admission and yield balance. b) Weigh at 0600 and 1800 every day 2. Remedial mediations an) Introduce the requirements for low sodium diet and the lower the liquid admission under 800ml b) Apply stockings while resting and check extremitiesâ frequently for sufficient dissemination. c) Advise the customer to raise her feet when sitting 3. Instruction for customer and parental figures a) Plan ROM practice for all furthest points each 4h b) Teach squeezing thumb for 5s into the skin and evaluating if show up in pitting. c) Educate the sign and conditions of edema. d) Teach to keep away from canned and solidified food and cook without salt and use flavors to include flavor. 1a) Weight customer every day can screen patterns to assess mediations.( Lewis& Sharon Mantik., 2011) b) Monitor IO visit can decide impact of treatment on kidney work( Lewis& Sharon Mantik., 2011) 2a) High-sodium admission prompts increment water retention(Carpenito, L. J., 2010) b) Compression stockings increment venous return and lessen venous pooling. (Carpenito, L. J., 2010) c) This forestall liquid gathering in the lower limits. (Gulamick and Myers, 2007) 3a) Contracting skeletal muscles increment lymph stream and lessen edema. (Carpenito, L. J., 2010) b&c) Client and parental figure can help screen and control liquid over-burden ( Lewis& Sharon Mantik., 2011) d) Restrict the sodium admission can diminish the sentiment of ache to drink water. ( Gulamick and Myers, 2007) 1. Continue minding the difference in client’s weight. 2. Survey the client’s edema condition each day by squeezing. 3. Request that the customer exhibit the strategy for getting to and decreasing edema. 4. Request that the customer record the menu eaten for checking the dietary patterns. 5. Solicit the customer to verbalize disorder from edema.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Platos Allegory of the Cave - Its Importance in Todays World Essay

Plato's Allegory of the Cave - It's Importance in Today's World Our general public so values instruction that sociologists have perceived the issue of over-training (Hadjicostandi). Numerous individuals are going through years seeking after degrees which they essentially don't requirement for the employments they perform. It is consequently judicious for understudies to address in the case of seeking after liberal instruction is truly as significant as our general public accepts. What is the purpose of an advanced degree? Does it have any reason past its material advantages. Are these advantages worth their expense? These are significant inquiries that need replying. At long last, we may see that there is undeniably more to this discussion than straightforward bookkeeping. Maybe makes training worth seeking after that it gives us the opportunity to settles on these sorts of choices about what is best for us. From numerous points of view, this discussion over instruction has its underlying foundations in the works of Plato (Jowett). In Book VII of The Republic, Plato examines such themes as illumination, epistemology, structures, and the obligations of thinkers. The logical styles which he utilize are those of the exchange and the purposeful anecdote. The exchange appears as a conversation among Socrates and Glaucon, while the moral story fills in as a solid delineation of the theoretical thoughts which Plato discusses (Jacobus, 444). Let us analyze this Purposeful anecdote of the Cave in more detail. In it, Plato requests that the peruser envision people living in an underground lair. [where] they have been from youth, and have their legs and necks binded with the goal that they can't move, and can just observe before them. Above and behind them a fire is blasting a ways off, and [there is] a low divider. [with] men going along the divider conveying a wide range of vessels, and sculptures a... ...nough to get a brief look at the light shinning at the mouth of the cavern. At the point when he has once observed the light, he will promptly leave upon a long lasting excursion to arrive at it. Works Cited Hadjicostandi, Joanna. Module 13: Education and Medicine. Prologue to Sociology. 1 May, 2006. . Jacobus, Lee A. A World of Ideas. seventh Edition Boston: Bedford/St. Martins. 2006. Plato. The Apology of Socrates. The Internet Classics Archive. Recovered 2 May, 2006. . Plato. The Republic. Trans. Jowett, Benjamin. Cleveland, Ohio: 1946. Plato. 2006. Wikimedia. Recovered 1 May, 2006. . Plato's Allegory of the Cave. 2006 Recovered 1 May, 2006. . The Matrix. Dir. The Wachowski Brothers. Perf. Keanu Reeves, Lawrence Fishburne. twentieth Century Fox, 1991. Thoreau, Henry D. A World of Ideas. seventh Edition. Ed. Lee A. Jacobus. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins. 2006.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Add a Strikethrough behind Blogger Blog Post Title

Add b:else/ b:if cond='data:post.url' b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:post.url' b:else/ data:post.title/ /b:if b:else/ data:post.title/ /b:if /b:if /h3 Step 6 Now Paste the below code after h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name' this line. span Step 7 And again paste the below code before/above /h3 /span For example the whole code block will be like below--- h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name' spanb:if cond='' b:else/ b:if cond='data:post.url' b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:post.url' b:else/ data:post.title/ /b:if b:else/ data:post.title/ /b:if /b:if /span/h3 Step 8 Finally hit the Save Template button and check the template to see the effect. Actually this code work in Blogger default template. If you want to make it work in Custom template then you have to have some knowledge about coding. In some template, in case of Post title instead of h3 generally use h2. So in that case you have to change h3 to h2. There are also another think you might have to take into consideration that h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name' code won't be exactly similar in all template coding. So just focus on h3 class='post-title this line and find the code. And obviously you can bring dramatic change by changing CSS code.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Work of James Jerome Gibson - 1073 Words

I. Brief biography1 James Jerome Gibson was born on January 27, 1904, in McConnelsville, Ohio, U.S. and died on December 11, 1979. He was an experimental psychologist whose work focused primarily on visual perception. He received his Ph.D. in Psychology from Princeton University in 1928 and joined the faculty of Smith College. During World War II he served in the Army Air Forces (1942–46). In the Army, Gibson developed tests used to screen potential pilots. In doing so, he made the observation that pilots orient themselves according to the characteristics of the ground surface rather than through kinesthetic senses (Hochberg, 1994). After the war he returned to Smith College before moving to Cornell University in 1949. He retired in 1972†¦show more content†¦From such a radical conception of visual perception, Gibson (1979) expanded and evolved his theory of visual perception into the theory of information pickup by saying, â€Å"when vision is thought of as a perceptual system instead of as a channel for inputs for the brain, a new theory of perception considered as information pickup becomes possible† (p. 262). According to this information pickup theory, information does not have to be stored in memory because it is always available. What he argued, as opposed to the information processing view of cognition, is that information is not something that has to be processed, rather one that is provided and structured invariant within the environment to be used in activities. As such, his direct perception implies a new theory of cognition that is offered as a substitute for the theory of past exper ience, memory, and mental images. Such his claim and notion of perception and cognition have a profound impact on the field of psychology in a new way to describe human thinking. Specifically, his theory, albeit that he did not mention explicitly throughout his works, has underpinned the tenet of ecological psychology,Show MoreRelatedSolution Manual, Test Bank and Instructor Manuals34836 Words   |  140 PagesReporting for Decision Making, 4th Edition_Jacqueline Birt, Keryn Chalmers, Albie Brooks, Suzy Byrne, Judy Oliver (ISM+TB) Accounting Concepts and Applications, 10th Edition_W. Steve Albrecht, James D. Stice, Earl K. Stice, Monte R. Swain (SM+IM) Accounting Concepts and Applications, 11th Edition_W. Steve Albrecht, James D. Stice, Earl K. Stice, Monte R. Swain (SM+IM ) Accounting Concepts, International Edition, 11th Edition_James D. Stice, Earl K. Stice, W. Steve Albrecht, Monte R. Swain (SM+TB+IM) AccountingRead MoreEbooks Solution Manuals and Test Banks for Text Books19223 Words   |  77 PagesAuditing Research Tools and Strategies by Weirich, Pearson, Churyk 7 Cases Solutions Accounting and Auditing Research Tools and Strategies by Weirich, Pearson, Churyk 7 Solution Manual Accounting by Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve 24 Instructor’s Manual Accounting by Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve 24 Test Bank Accounting Concepts and Applications by Albrecht, Stice, Stice, Swain 11 Instructor’s Manual Accounting Concepts and Applications by Albrecht, Stice, Stice, Swain 11 Solution Manual AccountingRead MoreBibliographic Essay on African American History6221 Words   |  25 Pages1619-1863 and Vol. II (Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1998), which emphasizes culture; and, Darlene Clark Hine and Kathleen Thompson’s Shining Thread of Hope: The History of Black Women in America (New York: Broadway Books, 1998), a work highlighting the presence of women. Juliet E. K. Walker’s The History of Black Business in America: Capitalism, Race, Entrepreneurship (New York: Twayne Publishers, 1998) is a general historical overview of blacks in business across time. Of a moreRead MoreSports17369 Words   |  70 PagesInstructor’s Manual Exercises in Sportscasting Linda K. Fuller, PhD Published by  © 2008 by Routledge, Taylor Francis Group. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilm, and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. Routledge, Taylor Francis Group, 270 MadisonRead MoreSports17363 Words   |  70 PagesInstructor’s Manual Exercises in Sportscasting Linda K. Fuller, PhD Published by  © 2008 by Routledge, Taylor Francis Group. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilm, and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. Routledge, Taylor Francis Group, 270 Madison AvenueRead MoreBible Versus the Toran12356 Words   |  50 PagesName: Sandra R. Gibson Student I.D.: 0405713 Course: REL-275-OL Date: 9/3/2011 Final Project TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION PAGE 1 II. AUTHORSHIP OF THE BIBLE PAGE 2 - 9 III. THE BIBLE PAGE 10 - 18 IV. AUTHORSHIP OF THE QURAN PAGE 19 V. THE QURAN PAGE 20 - 23 VI.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Credit Cards for Students Free Essay Example, 2750 words

A study was done by the FSA on student use and understanding of credit state that All parents in our sample warned their children to avoid debt and attempted to teach them about the importance of saving, whether or not the parents themselves were savers (Warren, 165). This study states that young people would own quite the range of financial products including checking, savings, and credit cards or store cards. The role of money for the young people in this study relates that money was important to all young people for socializing and creating an image for themselves (Warren, 166). This study proves that there are many concerns that must be addressed in regard to a full understanding of financial and fiscal responsibility by college and university students. Durkin provides insight in regard to consumer attitudes toward credit cards. The research involved determinations with regard to how attitudes changed over a set period of time. Overall opinion, according to the treatise, finds that attitudes tend to be toward the negative end of the spectrum in regard to credit card use in 2000 where it was not so in 1970 rising from 28% to 33% (Durkin, 623). We will write a custom essay sample on Credit Cards for Students or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page We ask ourselves this question because we know that credit cards are very costly especially to process the payment. (Hayhoe, 656)The attitudes of college students in regard to credit were measured. Researchers in this particular cares developed a Likert summated rating scale which was composed of a series of statements relating to credit cards.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Euthanasi Death With Dignity - 1776 Words

Death with Dignity The word euthanasia originates from Greek; eu meaning good/well and thanatosis meaning death. In other words, it means â€Å"Good Death, Gentle and Easy Death, and also known as mercy killing.† (A General History) In the old times there are different cases where euthanasia was practice towards incurable patients, mentally and physically ill persons, children and adults with disabilities, and many more, this practice was regarded as a way to protect the society from unnecessary burden, or as a way to save the person from the burden of existence. Today, many diseases have no cure, they cause suffering for the individual and suffering for the family. People should have the right to die if they are suffering from incurable diseases, therefore, euthanasia should be legalized. There are three main reasons as to why euthanasia should be acceptable. There are two types of euthanasia, passive and active. The withdrawal of medical treatment with the intention of causing death is known as passive euthanasia, the correct term for this is orthothanasia (passive death). Active euthanasia is defined in physically taking action or specific steps to cause a patient’s death, such as a lethal injection. A most classical example of passive euthanasia is a â€Å"do not resuscitate order,† the doctors are not actively killing the patient, simply they are not saving him. Another method would me withholding a patient from food and fluids, they just starve them to death. Euthanasia canShow MoreRelatedEuthanasi The Death With Dignity Act1312 Words   |  6 Pages Euthanasia remains highly controversial in the U.S. because even a state such as Oregon which upholds the Death with Dignity Act â€Å"passed by a margin of 51% to 49% as stated by the Oregon Health Authority. Thus, even though Niles suggested that Oregon supports euthan asia, the Death with Dignity Act seemingly remains controversial because almost half of the population in Oregon is against Euthanasia, and there are stakeholders who still challenge its implementation. In the context of this paper,Read MoreEuthanasi Death And Dignity Act1674 Words   |  7 Pages REFLECTON ESSAY The group decided to do a case study on Death and Dignity Act. Through our presentation, the group discussed if Euthanasia was morally and ethically right through the eyes of Thresa Christensen. Thresa Christensen was a character from the case study in which her father decided act upon voluntary active euthanasia. As group, we thought it would be best if is Theresa Christensen spoke on from the behalf of herself as a person who supports voluntary active euthanasia. The case study

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Analysis of Healthcare Facility in Australia

Question: Discuss about the Analysis of Healthcare Facility in Australia. Answer: Introduction: The healthcare industry or healthcare sector is a very vital sector for any nation. The healthcare industry includes any organization, company or governing bodies that is related to healthcare. The healthcare sector in Australia has shown a growth in the past few years (Haddad, Schaffer Wickramasinghe, 2015). The health services sector includes the sectors that are directly involved in providing healthcare facilities along with other sectors that are related to all these sectors in providing healthcare facilities to the people of the country (Kumar Rahman, 2014). The general hospitals, medicine companies, shops and others are the major organizations in this sector. The increase in the cost of healthcare services has increased the cost of healthcare services (Stamatakis, Weiler Ioannidis, 2013). The industry contributes a large amount to the economy of the country every year. The industry has expanded a lot in the past few years. The general hospital sector contributes the major po rtion of this industry. This sector contributes to almost half of the revenue of the industry. The major stakeholders in this industry are the dentist, medical practitioners, pharmacists, patients and others (Altman et al., 2014). In this assignment, the general condition of the healthcare industry of the country is being studied. The assignment gives an idea about the methods of collection of data and the analysis of such data. A brief description about the entire research process and the expected outcomes of the research are also given in this assignment. The assignment will give a deeper look into the condition of healthcare facility of the country Australia and the current problems that are faced by the healthcare industry. Problem statement: The problem statement in this research work is to study the condition of the healthcare industry in Australia and the factors behind the growth of the healthcare industry. Research aims and objective: The aim of the research is to analyze the general condition of the healthcare facility of Australia and the reasons behind the growth of this sector. The objective of the research is to study the growth of the healthcare industry in Australia. The problems faced by the industry are also being studied in this assignment. Research questions: The research questions in this research are given as follows: What is the general condition of the healthcare industry in Australia? What are the main challenges faced by this industry? What is the contribution of this sector to the economy of the country? What is the possible eradication of the problems faced by this industry? Literature review: The healthcare sector of Australia comprises of the general hospitals, medical stores, pharmaceutical industries and others. This sector has seen a major growth over the last five years (Shazali et al., 2013). The use of modern technology in healthcare has brought about major changes in the healthcare system. The majority of the Australian population is also growing older. As a result the healthcare industry has seen a face of profit over the years. The healthcare industry comprises of the general medical practitioners, dentist, pharmacist and others (El Haddad, Moxham Broadbent, 2013). This sector also provides a good opportunity of employment to the people of the country. The sector also contributes greatly to the economy of the country. There is government as well as private institutions for healthcare in Australia. There is a national health policy as well as healthcare facility in every jurisdiction in Australia. The Government also has Pharmaceutical Benefit scheme introduced by the Government. The 2005/2006 statistics states that there is 1 doctor per three hundred and twenty two people in Australia. The number of doctors and nurses however has increased in the year 2011 (Habidin et al., 2014). This is a good sign to the healthcare system of the country. The advancement of medical learning in Australia has created a large number of medical practitioners for the country. The country ranks eighth among the developing countries in the healthcare facilities (Ziaian et al., 2015). The health expenditure however has increased due to increasing cost in this sector. The current ratio of GDP to the healthcare expenditure of the country is approximately 9.5%. The country has a universal healthcare structure along with the federal government of the country paying huge amount of expenses in this sector. All these have led to the growth of healthcare facility of the country (Vitry, 2016). The insurance in healthcare also indirectly related to the healthcare sector of the country. The high risk of diseases and the increased cost of healthcare have a positive impact of healthcare insurance as well. The good medical facility has led to the growth of this sector. The sector has shown a remarkable growth in the last five years (Wickramasinghe, 2016). Variables and hypothesis: The main variables in this research work are the number of firms or organizations in the healthcare sector in the country, total amount of revenue generated by this sector, the contribution of this sector to the economy of the country, the employement status in this sector and others. The numbers of firms in this sector, the employment status in this sector, contribution of this sector to the economy of the country are all dependent on the revenue generated by this sector. The revenue generated by this sector is taken as dependent variable and the number of firms in this sector, the employment status of these sectors and others are taken as the dependent variables for the study. The main hypothesis of this research work is as follows: H0: The healthcare industry in Australia has not shown any changes over the years H1: The healthcare industry of Australia has shown a major growth over the years. Operational definitions and measurements: The variables in this research work are the revenue generated by the sector which is measured in Australian currency. The other variables like the employment status, the number of firms operating in the country in this sector and others are all continuous variables. The variables are all measured in whole numbers. Since the variables are for the whole country, a five percent error in the measurement is tolerable for the research. There is no such constraint involved in doing the research work. The research methods include the methods by which the data is being collected for doing the research work. The research involves qualitative methods of data collection. The data collected for this research purpose is of secondary sites. Secondary data about the number of people involved in this sector, the employment status of this sector, the number of firms operating in this sector and others are obtained from the different government websites and other websites. The data so collected are applied for the purpose of the research only. There are always some ethics associated with any research. The researcher has taken care of the ethical issues in this respect as well. The data are obtained from the websites in an ethical manner. The researcher has not applied any unethical means such as hacking of websites to obtain the data. The places where the data is not available, the researcher has paid properly for obtaining the data. The analysis of the data takes place with the help of various statistical tools and techniques such as mean, mode, median, standard deviation and correlation measures. The measures of central tendency and the measures of dispersion can be calculated for each variable. A comparison of these measures between the previous and the past year values will help to get an idea about the changes in the values between the two periods. An increase in the values will explain that the sector has shown an improvement over the years. A regression analysis can also be performed by taking the revenue generated from this sector as the independent variable ad the other variables such as the employment status of this sector, contribution of this sector to the economy of the country and others as the dependent variables. A significant value of the co efficient of regression will mean that the two variables have some kind of dependence among themselves. Research process: The research process explains the entire process by which the research is being carried out. The first step in carrying out the research is the identification of the research problem. After identification of the research problem, an extensive literature review has been conducted for the purpose of the research. The next step in the research is the collection of data. The next step is the methods of analysis of such data and the drawing of conclusions from the results of collected data. The following Gantt chart gives an idea about the steps of the research: Week 1 Week 3 Week 6 Week 10 Week 12 Identification of research problem Literature review Collection of data Analysis Conclusion and final research presentation Figure: Gantt chart (Source: Created by author) Expected outcome: The research is expected to have a positive outcome. The literature review shows that the healthcare sector has shown a growth over the years. The alternative hypothesis of the research is expected to be accepted from te results of analysis. Conclusion: The research has been conducted to know about the changes that are being brought about in the healthcare sector. The healthcare sector ia very vital sector in any country. The improvement of this sector will help in the major benefit of all the people of the country. In this research, the major challenges faced by the sector will also be discussed. The proposal gives an idea about the method of data collection and the analysis of such data. The possible outcomes of the research are also being given in this research. References and bibliography: Altman, L., Fernando, S., Holt, S., Maeder, A., Margelis, G., Morgan, G., Roche, S. (2014). One in four lives: the future of telehealth in Australia. El Haddad, M., Moxham, L., Broadbent, M. (2013). Graduate registered nurse practice readiness in the Australian context: An issue worthy of discussion.Collegian,20(4), 233-238. Granatino, R., Verkamp, J., Parker, R. S. (2013). The use of secret shopping as a method of increasing engagement in the healthcare industry: A case study.International Journal of Healthcare Management. Greenfield, D., Debono, D., Hogden, A., Hinchcliff, R., Mumford, V., Pawsey, M., ... Braithwaite, J. (2015). Examining challenges to reliability of health service accreditation during a period of healthcare reform in Australia.Journal of health organization and management,29(7), 912-924. Habidin, N. F., Shazali, N. A., Ali, N., Khaidir, N. A., Jamaludin, N. H. (2014). Exploring lean healthcare practice and supply chain innovation for Malaysian healthcare industry.International Journal of Business Excellence,7(3), 394-410. Haddad, P., Schaffer, J., Wickramasinghe, N. (2015, August). Evaluating business value of IT in healthcare: Three clinical practices from Australia and the US. InMEDINFO 2015: EHealth-enabled Health(Vol. 216, pp. 183-187). IOS Press. Kumar, A., Rahman, S. (2014). RFID-enabled process reengineering of closed-loop supply chains in the healthcare industry of Singapore.Journal of Cleaner Production,85, 382-394. Shazali, N. A., Habidin, N. F., Ali, N., Khaidir, N. A., Jamaludin, N. H. (2013). Lean healthcare practice and healthcare performance in Malaysian healthcare industry.International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,3(1), 1-5. Stamatakis, E., Weiler, R., Ioannidis, J. (2013). Undue industry influences that distort healthcare research, strategy, expenditure and practice: a review.European journal of clinical investigation,43(5), 469-475. Vitry, A. (2016). Transparency is good, independence from pharmaceutical industry is better!.Australian Prescriber,39(4), 112. Wickramasinghe, N. (Ed.). (2016).Handbook of Research on Healthcare Administration and Management. IGI Global. Ziaian, T., de Anstiss, H., Antoniou, G., Puvimanasinghe, T., Baghurst, P. (2015). Sociodemographic Predictors of Health-Related Quality of Life and Healthcare Service Utilisation among Young Refugees in South Australia.Open Journal of Psychiatry,6(01), 8.