Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Analysis of Healthcare Facility in Australia

Question: Discuss about the Analysis of Healthcare Facility in Australia. Answer: Introduction: The healthcare industry or healthcare sector is a very vital sector for any nation. The healthcare industry includes any organization, company or governing bodies that is related to healthcare. The healthcare sector in Australia has shown a growth in the past few years (Haddad, Schaffer Wickramasinghe, 2015). The health services sector includes the sectors that are directly involved in providing healthcare facilities along with other sectors that are related to all these sectors in providing healthcare facilities to the people of the country (Kumar Rahman, 2014). The general hospitals, medicine companies, shops and others are the major organizations in this sector. The increase in the cost of healthcare services has increased the cost of healthcare services (Stamatakis, Weiler Ioannidis, 2013). The industry contributes a large amount to the economy of the country every year. The industry has expanded a lot in the past few years. The general hospital sector contributes the major po rtion of this industry. This sector contributes to almost half of the revenue of the industry. The major stakeholders in this industry are the dentist, medical practitioners, pharmacists, patients and others (Altman et al., 2014). In this assignment, the general condition of the healthcare industry of the country is being studied. The assignment gives an idea about the methods of collection of data and the analysis of such data. A brief description about the entire research process and the expected outcomes of the research are also given in this assignment. The assignment will give a deeper look into the condition of healthcare facility of the country Australia and the current problems that are faced by the healthcare industry. Problem statement: The problem statement in this research work is to study the condition of the healthcare industry in Australia and the factors behind the growth of the healthcare industry. Research aims and objective: The aim of the research is to analyze the general condition of the healthcare facility of Australia and the reasons behind the growth of this sector. The objective of the research is to study the growth of the healthcare industry in Australia. The problems faced by the industry are also being studied in this assignment. Research questions: The research questions in this research are given as follows: What is the general condition of the healthcare industry in Australia? What are the main challenges faced by this industry? What is the contribution of this sector to the economy of the country? What is the possible eradication of the problems faced by this industry? Literature review: The healthcare sector of Australia comprises of the general hospitals, medical stores, pharmaceutical industries and others. This sector has seen a major growth over the last five years (Shazali et al., 2013). The use of modern technology in healthcare has brought about major changes in the healthcare system. The majority of the Australian population is also growing older. As a result the healthcare industry has seen a face of profit over the years. The healthcare industry comprises of the general medical practitioners, dentist, pharmacist and others (El Haddad, Moxham Broadbent, 2013). This sector also provides a good opportunity of employment to the people of the country. The sector also contributes greatly to the economy of the country. There is government as well as private institutions for healthcare in Australia. There is a national health policy as well as healthcare facility in every jurisdiction in Australia. The Government also has Pharmaceutical Benefit scheme introduced by the Government. The 2005/2006 statistics states that there is 1 doctor per three hundred and twenty two people in Australia. The number of doctors and nurses however has increased in the year 2011 (Habidin et al., 2014). This is a good sign to the healthcare system of the country. The advancement of medical learning in Australia has created a large number of medical practitioners for the country. The country ranks eighth among the developing countries in the healthcare facilities (Ziaian et al., 2015). The health expenditure however has increased due to increasing cost in this sector. The current ratio of GDP to the healthcare expenditure of the country is approximately 9.5%. The country has a universal healthcare structure along with the federal government of the country paying huge amount of expenses in this sector. All these have led to the growth of healthcare facility of the country (Vitry, 2016). The insurance in healthcare also indirectly related to the healthcare sector of the country. The high risk of diseases and the increased cost of healthcare have a positive impact of healthcare insurance as well. The good medical facility has led to the growth of this sector. The sector has shown a remarkable growth in the last five years (Wickramasinghe, 2016). Variables and hypothesis: The main variables in this research work are the number of firms or organizations in the healthcare sector in the country, total amount of revenue generated by this sector, the contribution of this sector to the economy of the country, the employement status in this sector and others. The numbers of firms in this sector, the employment status in this sector, contribution of this sector to the economy of the country are all dependent on the revenue generated by this sector. The revenue generated by this sector is taken as dependent variable and the number of firms in this sector, the employment status of these sectors and others are taken as the dependent variables for the study. The main hypothesis of this research work is as follows: H0: The healthcare industry in Australia has not shown any changes over the years H1: The healthcare industry of Australia has shown a major growth over the years. Operational definitions and measurements: The variables in this research work are the revenue generated by the sector which is measured in Australian currency. The other variables like the employment status, the number of firms operating in the country in this sector and others are all continuous variables. The variables are all measured in whole numbers. Since the variables are for the whole country, a five percent error in the measurement is tolerable for the research. There is no such constraint involved in doing the research work. The research methods include the methods by which the data is being collected for doing the research work. The research involves qualitative methods of data collection. The data collected for this research purpose is of secondary sites. Secondary data about the number of people involved in this sector, the employment status of this sector, the number of firms operating in this sector and others are obtained from the different government websites and other websites. The data so collected are applied for the purpose of the research only. There are always some ethics associated with any research. The researcher has taken care of the ethical issues in this respect as well. The data are obtained from the websites in an ethical manner. The researcher has not applied any unethical means such as hacking of websites to obtain the data. The places where the data is not available, the researcher has paid properly for obtaining the data. The analysis of the data takes place with the help of various statistical tools and techniques such as mean, mode, median, standard deviation and correlation measures. The measures of central tendency and the measures of dispersion can be calculated for each variable. A comparison of these measures between the previous and the past year values will help to get an idea about the changes in the values between the two periods. An increase in the values will explain that the sector has shown an improvement over the years. A regression analysis can also be performed by taking the revenue generated from this sector as the independent variable ad the other variables such as the employment status of this sector, contribution of this sector to the economy of the country and others as the dependent variables. A significant value of the co efficient of regression will mean that the two variables have some kind of dependence among themselves. Research process: The research process explains the entire process by which the research is being carried out. The first step in carrying out the research is the identification of the research problem. After identification of the research problem, an extensive literature review has been conducted for the purpose of the research. The next step in the research is the collection of data. The next step is the methods of analysis of such data and the drawing of conclusions from the results of collected data. The following Gantt chart gives an idea about the steps of the research: Week 1 Week 3 Week 6 Week 10 Week 12 Identification of research problem Literature review Collection of data Analysis Conclusion and final research presentation Figure: Gantt chart (Source: Created by author) Expected outcome: The research is expected to have a positive outcome. The literature review shows that the healthcare sector has shown a growth over the years. The alternative hypothesis of the research is expected to be accepted from te results of analysis. Conclusion: The research has been conducted to know about the changes that are being brought about in the healthcare sector. The healthcare sector ia very vital sector in any country. The improvement of this sector will help in the major benefit of all the people of the country. In this research, the major challenges faced by the sector will also be discussed. The proposal gives an idea about the method of data collection and the analysis of such data. The possible outcomes of the research are also being given in this research. References and bibliography: Altman, L., Fernando, S., Holt, S., Maeder, A., Margelis, G., Morgan, G., Roche, S. (2014). One in four lives: the future of telehealth in Australia. El Haddad, M., Moxham, L., Broadbent, M. (2013). Graduate registered nurse practice readiness in the Australian context: An issue worthy of discussion.Collegian,20(4), 233-238. 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