Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Euthanasi Death With Dignity - 1776 Words

Death with Dignity The word euthanasia originates from Greek; eu meaning good/well and thanatosis meaning death. In other words, it means â€Å"Good Death, Gentle and Easy Death, and also known as mercy killing.† (A General History) In the old times there are different cases where euthanasia was practice towards incurable patients, mentally and physically ill persons, children and adults with disabilities, and many more, this practice was regarded as a way to protect the society from unnecessary burden, or as a way to save the person from the burden of existence. Today, many diseases have no cure, they cause suffering for the individual and suffering for the family. People should have the right to die if they are suffering from incurable diseases, therefore, euthanasia should be legalized. There are three main reasons as to why euthanasia should be acceptable. There are two types of euthanasia, passive and active. The withdrawal of medical treatment with the intention of causing death is known as passive euthanasia, the correct term for this is orthothanasia (passive death). Active euthanasia is defined in physically taking action or specific steps to cause a patient’s death, such as a lethal injection. A most classical example of passive euthanasia is a â€Å"do not resuscitate order,† the doctors are not actively killing the patient, simply they are not saving him. Another method would me withholding a patient from food and fluids, they just starve them to death. Euthanasia canShow MoreRelatedEuthanasi The Death With Dignity Act1312 Words   |  6 Pages Euthanasia remains highly controversial in the U.S. because even a state such as Oregon which upholds the Death with Dignity Act â€Å"passed by a margin of 51% to 49% as stated by the Oregon Health Authority. Thus, even though Niles suggested that Oregon supports euthan asia, the Death with Dignity Act seemingly remains controversial because almost half of the population in Oregon is against Euthanasia, and there are stakeholders who still challenge its implementation. In the context of this paper,Read MoreEuthanasi Death And Dignity Act1674 Words   |  7 Pages REFLECTON ESSAY The group decided to do a case study on Death and Dignity Act. Through our presentation, the group discussed if Euthanasia was morally and ethically right through the eyes of Thresa Christensen. Thresa Christensen was a character from the case study in which her father decided act upon voluntary active euthanasia. As group, we thought it would be best if is Theresa Christensen spoke on from the behalf of herself as a person who supports voluntary active euthanasia. The case study

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